Go Congress - Pandanet Finals - American Go Association

Pandanet Finals


Location:      Strong Players Room

Eligibility:     The top two City League teams

Director(s):  Justin Teng


Friday afternoon at 2:30pm.

The City League is an AGA tournament where teams from cities play in a league round-robin on the Pandanet-IGS server. Each team consists of three active players, one alternate and one captain, representing a city or region in North America. Players may be either pros or amateurs.

The purpose of the league is to:

Provide training and competition for the top AGA players
Promote internet Go using the Pandanet platform
Create a venue for encouraging regional sponsorship of Go in North America

Format: There is just one final round with three games played simultaneously.

Time Limit: 60 minutes per player; 5 byo-yomi periods of 30 seconds each.

Rules: AGA rules, Komi for white is 7.5 points. See Pandanet Rules for further details.

Winners: Pandanet will award $5,000 to the winning team and $2,500 for the runner-up team.