Go Congress - Baum Prizes - American Go Association

Baum Prizes


Location:      Main Ballroom

Eligibility:     Everyone

Director(s): Rich Newman



The Badger: The player age 11 and younger who plays the largest number of older players 

The Striver: Youth age 12 to 15 who plays the largest number of older players

The Elder Slayer: Young player who beats the largest number of adults

The Dan Destroyer: Young player who beats the largest number of dan level adults

The Old Hand: Adult who plays the most games

The Encourager: Adult who loses the most games

The Teacher: Player who gives the most 9 stone (or higher) teaching games

Across the Ages: Three young players having games with the greatest age difference



Leonard Baum loved playing (and often losing to) young kids. The idea of the Baum Prizes is to encourage play across generations. Grandfathers often are the most successful teachers of Go (and other games) to children.  Young players (15 and under at the start of the Congress) are encouraged to seek out the older players and get a game.


Pairing: All pairs of players must have a minimum age difference of 40 years (see above for three special prizes). You may play any other registered player. **Only one game between any two players will count toward the Baum prizes.**


Etiquette: All games are to be played with a spirit of sharing the joy of playing Go. Of course, competitiveness is permitted. Children must be gracious and respectful of their elders (even when they are beating the adult) and the older players must be kind and encouraging to the youngsters. The older player may help the younger player, if they so choose.  Enjoy the moment with someone from a different time. 


Registration: Tournament begins after registration on Saturday at 5 pm and ends on Friday at 9 p.m.  Arrange your own games and report the results.


Time Limit: Either player may request the use of a clock. If a clock is used, time limits are set by mutual agreement. However, for a game to be AGA rated, it must have a minimum of 30 minutes per player and byo-yomi of three 30-second segments. (We suggest that 45 minutes basic time is most in keeping with the spirit of this tournament.) Any deviations must be approved by the TD.


Results: Game reporting slips will be readily available on site. The winner should be circled, and the loser should sign the slip; put completed slips in the box in the reporting area.


Rules: AGA rules should be used. Komi for white is 7.5 points.


Handicaps: Handicaps are computed by subtracting the difference in ranks.  If the ranks cross the dan/kyu border, add the two ranks together and subtract one.  E.g. if a 2 dan plays a 3 kyu, the handicap is 2 + 3 - 1 = 4 stones.

Games with more than 9 stones handicap are not counted as a win or a loss but will count towards games played.